What Distinguishes One Crow
from Another in Its Flock?

Tresha Faye Haefner

If it lands on the lawn, next to your car.

If it picks up a piece of bread you've thrown out the window.

If it stares at you and there is light on its face.

If it caws to you from its branch, and you answer.

If it looks you in the eye, and you do not look away.

Tresha Faye Haefner was born in California, and has lived in the state for most of her life. She earned her B.A. degree in Modern Literary Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and currently makes her home in San Jose, CA, where she teaches English and social studies. Her work appears in Amarillo Bay, BloodLotus, Zygote in My Coffee, The Ante Review, and Alien Sloth Sex.