Mimi and Xavier Star in a Museum That Fits Entirely in One’s Pocket

Mimi and Xavier Star in a Museum That Fits Entirely in One’s Pocket
by Becca Barniskis

24 pages

Paperback: $10
LP: $15
e-Book: $5
Audiobook: $5


ISBN: 978-1-939781-22-2

From Mimi and Xavier Star in a Museum That Fits Entirely in One’s Pocket

Alice Excerpt

Click image to enlarge


Becca Barniskis lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota where she works as a free-lance teacher and writer. She is co-author of the Teaching Artist Handbook and an associate editor at the Teaching Artist Journal. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals. This is her first book of poems to be published. You can find her at beccabarniskis.com.