Colby Somerville
the was there a blast / reiterrearanger / cowboying West of
LCD / you lasso Don't you let these boys waste their lives on
HALO II, as a pre-boy / animates / a renaissance perspective / onto
Khost / extrajudicial, January / summary ice cream / or arbitrarily
Baitullah Mehsud / a leader lassoglossolalia-ed / on a movie / rope
us good / people again as previously / blasting to nix
the was there a blast / reiterrearanger / cowboying West of
LCD / -ing, -sively asking / in a light suggestive of / an Eastern
vengeance / dear crosshairs shed / from the social code / in
vengeance / by your Lockheed-Martin trick rope / midwifed in
Khost Province, where they keep / replode / over and over for
us good / people again as previously / blasting to nix
the was there a blast / reiterrearanger / cowboying West of
LCD / -ing, -sively asking / in a light suggestive of / an Eastern
LCD / you lasso Don't you let these boys waste their lives on
vengeance / dear crosshairs shed / from the social code / in
HALO II, as a pre-boy / animates / a renaissance perspective / onto
vengeance / by your Lockheed-Martin trick rope / midwifed in
Khost / extrajudicial, January / summary ice cream / or arbitrarily
Khost Province, where they keep / replode / over and over for
Baitullah Mehsud / a leader lassoglossolalia-ed / on a movie / rope
us good / people again as previously / blasting to nix
Colby Somerville lives in Iowa City. His work has previously appeared in Super Arrow.